The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm - Action Figures - Hot Toys - Hobby Figures UK

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30cm


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"That's Captain America."

Teaming up with Bucky Barnes against the Flag Smashers rebel group, Sam Wilson a.k.a The Falcon suits up again but in a new outfit with his signature wings, reclaims the symbolic shield once wielded by Steve Rogers and the complicated legacy that comes with being the new Captain America in the conclusion of Marvel Studios' The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series.

Sideshow and Hot Toys present the new Captain America Sixth Scale Collectible Figure in the completely new outfit and highly poseable mechanical wings that allows a great range of motion to recreate stunning scenes from the highly-acclaimed series.

Masterfully crafted based on the appearance of Anthony Mackie as the new Captain America in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series finale, the figure features a newly developed head with face gaiter and goggles; a newly designed tactic outfit in blue, white, and red color scheme with a Star emblem; Captain America's iconic shield; a flight backpack, a Redwing drone, and detailed recreation of the massive wings measures approximately 80 cm wide, designed with extended articulation for incredible action scenes.

The new Captain is here! Don't miss out on the chance and pre-order it today!

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Action Figure 1/6 Captain America 30 cm


bg: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | cs: 14+; USK; Nejedná se o hracku ale o sberatelský predmet.; POZOR! Nebezpecí udušení. Malé cásti | da: USK; Dette er ikke et stykke legetøj men et samlerobjekt.; Advarsel Kvælningsfare. Små dele; 14+ | de: USK; Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug sondern ein Sammelartikel.; ACHTUNG! Erstickungsgefahr. Kleine Teile; 14+ | el: USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt.; HOIATUS! Hukkumisoht. Väikesed osad; 14+ | en: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | es: 14+; USK; Este producto no es un juguete sino un artículo de colección. IT Questo non è un giocattolo ma un oggetto dacollezione.; ¡Advertencia! Peligro de asfixia. Piezas pequeñas | et: WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; 14+; USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt. | fi: USK; Tämä ei ole lelu vaan keräilyesine.; Varoitus! Tukehtumisvaara. Pienet osat; 14+ | fr: USK; Ceci n'est pas un jouet mais un article de collection.; ATTENTION! Dangeri d'étouffement. Petites éléments; 14+ | ga: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hr: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hu: Figyelmeztetés! Fulladásveszély. Apró alkatrészek; 14+; USK; Ez nem játék hanem gyujtoi darab. | it: USK; Non si tratta di un giocattolo ma di un oggetto da collezione.; Avvertenza! Rischio di soffocamento. Piccole parti; 14+ | lt: USK; Tai ne žaislas o kolekcinis daiktas.; ISPEJIMAS! Užspringimo pavojus. Mažos dalys; 14+ | lv: USK; Ši nav rotallieta bet gan kolekcijas priekšmets.; BRIDINAJUMS! Aizrišanas briesmas. Mazas detalas; 14+ | mt: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | nl: 14+; USK; Dit is geen speelgoed maar een collector's item.; Waarschuwing! Verstikkingsgevaar. Kleine onderdelen | pl: USK; To nie jest zabawka ale przedmiot kolekcjonerski.; Ostrzezenie! Ryzyko zadlawienia. Male czesci; 14+ | pt: USK; Não se trata de um brinquedo mas de uma peça de coleção.; Atençao! Perigo de asfixia. Peças pequenas; 14+ | ro: Aceasta nu este o jucarie ci un obiect de colec?ie.; USK; AVERTISMENT! Pericol de sufocare. Piese mici; 14+ | sk: 14+; USK; Toto nie je hracka ale zberatelský predmet.; Upozornenie! Nebezpecenstvo udusenia. Malé casti | sl: 14+; USK; To ni igraca temvec zbirateljski predmet.; OPOZORILO! Nevarnost zadušitve. Majhni deli | sv: VARNING! Risk för kvävning. Små delar; 14+; USK; Detta är inte en leksak utan ett samlarobjekt.

heo GmbH, West Campus 1, 76863 Herxheim, ,, DE

Hot Toys Japan, Cranes Park 3F, 150-0001 Shibuya, Tokyo, ,, JP

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