- Estimated Delivery: MID 01/2026
- Free UK shipping
- European shipping available
"You know, the costume may have changed ... but the attitude's the same."
Sideshow presents the Batgirl Premium Format™ Figure, joining our Bat-Family of DC collectibles. Pitting Barbara Gordon against one of Gotham's iconic criminals, this exciting quarter-scale statue includes light-up elements, Batman Easter eggs, and more!
In Gotham City, evil wears many faces ... Luckily, Batgirl sees right through the deception. The redheaded heroine stands triumphant after effectively neutralizing Clayface using electrified Batarangs. Blue energy sparks through the villain as he tries to shapeshift his way out of the situation, while hidden portraits of Batman, Nightwing, and Commissioner Gordon emerge from the muck. Light-up features in Clayface's eyes, mouth, and Batarang wounds bring this battle to life with an added display option.
The polystone Batgirl Premium Format Figure measures 21.73" tall by 13.43" wide by 13.9" deep. Inspired by the characters as they appear in DC Comics, this collectible is fully sculpted to capture everything from her costume details down to the varied textures of Clayface's body. Cloth-like bandages wrap Batgirl's arms and legs, while her tactical Batsuit is accented with armored gold elements like gauntlets, boots, and a utility belt. Batgirl's outfit is weathered to reflect the perils of crimefighting in Gotham City, and a tattered cape flutters off her shoulder. Below her, Clayface alternates between melting, muddy ooze and dried, cracked dirt where the Batarangs have zapped him.
Give the villains of Gotham a big shock when you bring home the Batgirl Premium Format Figure to protect your DC collection. Add her to your lineup of Batman collectibles today!
Product Size: 55 x 34 x 35 cm
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Please note that preorder delivery dates are estimated and may be subject to change due to manufacturer or shipping delays. Cancellations on preorder products are not permitted due to changing estimated dates unless there are excessive delays (1+ year) from the original ETA (confirmed on the order confirmation email sent after the order is placed).
DC Comics Premium Format Statue Batgirl 55 cm
bg: 14+; USK; Това не е играчка а колекционерски артикул.; ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ! Опасност от задушаване. Малки части | cs: 14+; USK; Nejedná se o hracku ale o sberatelský predmet.; POZOR! Nebezpecí udušení. Malé cásti | da: USK; Dette er ikke et stykke legetøj men et samlerobjekt.; Advarsel Kvælningsfare. Små dele; 14+ | de: USK; Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug sondern ein Sammelartikel.; ACHTUNG! Erstickungsgefahr. Kleine Teile; 14+ | el: USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt.; HOIATUS! Hukkumisoht. Väikesed osad; 14+ | en: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | es: 14+; USK; Este producto no es un juguete sino un artículo de colección. IT Questo non è un giocattolo ma un oggetto dacollezione.; ¡Advertencia! Peligro de asfixia. Piezas pequeñas | et: HOIATUS! Hukkumisoht. Väikesed osad; 14+; USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt. | fi: USK; Tämä ei ole lelu vaan keräilyesine.; Varoitus! Tukehtumisvaara. Pienet osat; 14+ | fr: USK; Ceci n'est pas un jouet mais un article de collection.; ATTENTION! Dangeri d'étouffement. Petites éléments; 14+ | ga: 14+; USK; Ní bréagán é seo ach mír bhailitheora.; Ní bréagán é seo ach mír bhailitheora. | hr: 14+; USK; Ovo nije igračka nego kolekcionarski primjerak.; Ovo nije igračka nego kolekcionarski primjerak. | hu: Figyelmeztetés! Fulladásveszély. Apró alkatrészek; 14+; USK; Ez nem játék hanem gyujtoi darab. | it: USK; Non si tratta di un giocattolo ma di un oggetto da collezione.; Avvertenza! Rischio di soffocamento. Piccole parti; 14+ | lt: USK; Tai ne žaislas o kolekcinis daiktas.; ISPEJIMAS! Užspringimo pavojus. Mažos dalys; 14+ | lv: USK; Ši nav rotallieta bet gan kolekcijas priekšmets.; BRIDINAJUMS! Aizrišanas briesmas. Mazas detalas; 14+ | mt: 14+; USK; Dan mhux ġugarell iżda oġġett tal-kollezzjoni.; Dan mhux ġugarell iżda oġġett tal-kollezzjoni. | nl: 14+; USK; Dit is geen speelgoed maar een collector's item.; Waarschuwing! Verstikkingsgevaar. Kleine onderdelen | pl: USK; To nie jest zabawka ale przedmiot kolekcjonerski.; Ostrzezenie! Ryzyko zadlawienia. Male czesci; 14+ | pt: USK; Não se trata de um brinquedo mas de uma peça de coleção.; Atençao! Perigo de asfixia. Peças pequenas; 14+ | ro: Aceasta nu este o jucarie ci un obiect de colec?ie.; USK; AVERTISMENT! Pericol de sufocare. Piese mici; 14+ | sk: 14+; USK; Toto nie je hracka ale zberatelský predmet.; Upozornenie! Nebezpecenstvo udusenia. Malé casti | sl: 14+; USK; To ni igraca temvec zbirateljski predmet.; OPOZORILO! Nevarnost zadušitve. Majhni deli | sv: VARNING! Risk för kvävning. Små delar; 14+; USK; Detta är inte en leksak utan ett samlarobjekt.
heo GmbH, West Campus 1, 76863 Herxheim, , info@heo.com, DE
Sideshow Collectibles Inc., 2630 Conejo Spectrum, 91320 Newbury Park, CA, , stacey.morgan@sideshowcollectibles.com, US