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After a long time away, the Dark Knight protector of the City of Gotham wears once more an updated version of his iconic dark costume and reactivates his technological arsenal to fight a new global threat. Older, more experienced, and even stronger as a vigilante, Iron Studios proudly present their statue "Batman - The Flash Movie - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10", with the imposing hero with his arms crossed, over a base with a metallic platform, rocks, and stalagmites reminiscent of his headquarters known as the Batcave, with his classic logo surrounded by a yellow ellipse decorating the front in a Deluxe version that comes with an extra interchangeable optional head without the mask, revealing the mature face of Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne is a billionaire entrepreneur, playboy, and philanthrope, that got obsessed in eradicating the crime in the streets of Gotham, his city, after he witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, so no one would ever have to suffer through the same pain. In order to do so, he studied combat, science, psychology, and criminology. With the help of Alfred Pennyworth, butler of the Wayne family and his lifetime caretaker, Bruce developed new technology and weapons, storing them in a cave under Wayne's Mansion. To cause fear in the hearts of his enemies, he developed a costume and a new personality to himself, the Batman. Thus, Bruce chose to spend his life trying to correct the mistakes of his past, in such a way that he would feel as if his fight against crime would bring his parents back. After years fighting crime, Bruce gave up on the mantle and retired as the protector of Gotham City. But in the future, Bruce is found by a metahuman traveler from a different Earth known as Barry Allen. When the Kryptonian villain General Zod arrives on Earth threatening to annihilate it, without the presence of Superman or other superheroes to stop him, Barry has to persuade Bruce to get back to action, and help him in the recue of another Kryptonian being held prisoner on Earth.
In 1989, the praised gothic director Tim Burton presented one of the most memorable adaptations of the Dark Knight in the movies with the film Batman, played by actor Michael Keaton, returns to the role of the hero in the solo movie of the fastest hero on Earth, the 13th movie in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) that releases now in June in the big screens, with Ezra Miller reprising the main role of the speedster hero, and Iron Studios tag along using the Speed Force to reveal their collection of statues inspired by this memorable production that besides the Dark Knight, already available for Pre-Order, will bring versions of the Flash, the younger alternative version of the Flash also played by Miller, and other surprises on the next Inside Iron Studios Day on YouTube, that celebrates its 2-years-anniversary in June. Don't miss it!
DC Comics The Flash Movie Art Scale Statue 1/10 Batman 23 cm
bg: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | cs: 14+; USK; Nejedná se o hracku ale o sberatelský predmet.; POZOR! Nebezpecí udušení. Malé cásti | da: USK; Dette er ikke et stykke legetøj men et samlerobjekt.; Advarsel Kvælningsfare. Små dele; 14+ | de: USK; Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug sondern ein Sammelartikel.; ACHTUNG! Erstickungsgefahr. Kleine Teile; 14+ | el: USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt.; HOIATUS! Hukkumisoht. Väikesed osad; 14+ | en: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | es: 14+; USK; Este producto no es un juguete sino un artículo de colección. IT Questo non è un giocattolo ma un oggetto dacollezione.; ¡Advertencia! Peligro de asfixia. Piezas pequeñas | et: WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; 14+; USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt. | fi: USK; Tämä ei ole lelu vaan keräilyesine.; Varoitus! Tukehtumisvaara. Pienet osat; 14+ | fr: USK; Ceci n'est pas un jouet mais un article de collection.; ATTENTION! Dangeri d'étouffement. Petites éléments; 14+ | ga: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hr: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hu: Figyelmeztetés! Fulladásveszély. Apró alkatrészek; 14+; USK; Ez nem játék hanem gyujtoi darab. | it: USK; Non si tratta di un giocattolo ma di un oggetto da collezione.; Avvertenza! Rischio di soffocamento. Piccole parti; 14+ | lt: USK; Tai ne žaislas o kolekcinis daiktas.; ISPEJIMAS! Užspringimo pavojus. Mažos dalys; 14+ | lv: USK; Ši nav rotallieta bet gan kolekcijas priekšmets.; BRIDINAJUMS! Aizrišanas briesmas. Mazas detalas; 14+ | mt: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | nl: 14+; USK; Dit is geen speelgoed maar een collector's item.; Waarschuwing! Verstikkingsgevaar. Kleine onderdelen | pl: USK; To nie jest zabawka ale przedmiot kolekcjonerski.; Ostrzezenie! Ryzyko zadlawienia. Male czesci; 14+ | pt: USK; Não se trata de um brinquedo mas de uma peça de coleção.; Atençao! Perigo de asfixia. Peças pequenas; 14+ | ro: Aceasta nu este o jucarie ci un obiect de colec?ie.; USK; AVERTISMENT! Pericol de sufocare. Piese mici; 14+ | sk: 14+; USK; Toto nie je hracka ale zberatelský predmet.; Upozornenie! Nebezpecenstvo udusenia. Malé casti | sl: 14+; USK; To ni igraca temvec zbirateljski predmet.; OPOZORILO! Nevarnost zadušitve. Majhni deli | sv: VARNING! Risk för kvävning. Små delar; 14+; USK; Detta är inte en leksak utan ett samlarobjekt.
FINE COLLECTIBLES CORPORATION EUROPE, Rua da Lionesa, 446 - Centro Empresarial da Lionesa, Edf. C21 Leça do Balio, freguesia de Custódias, 4465-671 Leça do Balio, Portugal,, PT; heo GmbH, West Campus 1, 76863 Herxheim, ,, DE
Iron Studios, 10701 Wilshire Blvd Apt 1702, 90024 Los Angeles, ,, US