Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK
Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm - Model Kit - Kotobukiya - Hobby Figures UK

Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15cm


Regular price£81.95
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The latest addition to the spin-off series of Kotobukiya's original Frame Arms robot series, Frame Arms Girl, is HRESVELGR=CORNIX!

Frame Arms Girl Hresvelgr is based on the Frame Arms model of the same name designed by ToMo and transformed into an original female character illustrated by E-ji Komatsu.

This kit is a variation within the Frame Arms Girl Hresvelgr series and features the new Wing Shotel weapons, new hair, and new expressions.
Enjoy switching between the model's three forms, faithfully adapted from the transforming Frame Arms original.

Model Specifications:
- Features the signature weapons of Cornix, Wing Shotels, newly modeled for this kit.
- The wings can become the new Wing Shotel weapons, giving the model a whole new silhouette even when in air cruiser mode.
- The model can transform into three forms: Normal Mode, Assault = Crow Mode, and Air Cruiser Mode.
- The pop-out joints on the thighs are newly designed and are compatible with the Hresvelgr series, allowing for a wider range of movement.
- Two types of standard bangs and bangs covering one eye (left and right) are included for a total of four types of bangs parts.
- Three new pre-painted face parts are included (Normal, Smirking, Surprised). Just assembling the kit creates a model faithful to the original art.
- Four types of unpainted face parts are included (Normal x2, Yelling, Blank).
- Includes decals for the eyes, expressions, and other parts.
- The pop-out shoulder joints and the flexible upper arm parts allow for a wide range of movement.
- The sliding joint on the hip allows for a wide range of movement.
- The wrists are articulated with ball joints that allow for a variety of poses.
- The model kit includes five sets of PVC hand parts. The hands, including joints, can be interchanged with those of the existing Frame Arms Girl series.
- Includes a New Flying Base.
- Includes two types of 3mm diameter grips.
- The model can be displayed in Unarmed Mode by exchanging parts.
- The 3mm connection points on the arms and legs are compatible with equipment from the M.S.G and Frame Arms series.
- The tail-shaped parts on the lower back can be equipped in the hands to form a cannon.
- The blade parts of the left and right of the tail-shaped parts can be removed and equipped in the hands to be used as weapons.

What is Frame Arms Girl?

Frame Arms Girl is a spin-off of Kotobukiya's original model kit series, Frame Arms, that creates a bishoujo-style character for each mecha.
The kits come with multi-colored parts and face parts pre-printed with tampography, making them easy to assemble with no paint required.
Equipped with the signature 3mm joints and PVC hands from Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl models can be combined with a variety of parts from series such as M.S.G (Modeling Support Goods), Frame Arms, and more!
The latest models' heads, arms, and legs in the series are fully compatible with each other, so users can create their very own unique Frame Arms Girl!

*Requires assembly

Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Hresvelgr=Cornix 15 cm


bg: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | cs: 14+; USK; Nejedná se o hracku ale o sberatelský predmet.; POZOR! Nebezpecí udušení. Malé cásti | da: USK; Dette er ikke et stykke legetøj men et samlerobjekt.; Advarsel Kvælningsfare. Små dele; 14+ | de: USK; Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug sondern ein Sammelartikel.; ACHTUNG! Erstickungsgefahr. Kleine Teile; 14+ | el: USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt.; HOIATUS! Hukkumisoht. Väikesed osad; 14+ | en: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | es: 14+; USK; Este producto no es un juguete sino un artículo de colección. IT Questo non è un giocattolo ma un oggetto dacollezione.; ¡Advertencia! Peligro de asfixia. Piezas pequeñas | et: WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; 14+; USK; See ei ole mänguasi vaid kollektsiooniobjekt. | fi: USK; Tämä ei ole lelu vaan keräilyesine.; Varoitus! Tukehtumisvaara. Pienet osat; 14+ | fr: USK; Ceci n'est pas un jouet mais un article de collection.; ATTENTION! Dangeri d'étouffement. Petites éléments; 14+ | ga: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hr: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hu: Figyelmeztetés! Fulladásveszély. Apró alkatrészek; 14+; USK; Ez nem játék hanem gyujtoi darab. | it: USK; Non si tratta di un giocattolo ma di un oggetto da collezione.; Avvertenza! Rischio di soffocamento. Piccole parti; 14+ | lt: USK; Tai ne žaislas o kolekcinis daiktas.; ISPEJIMAS! Užspringimo pavojus. Mažos dalys; 14+ | lv: USK; Ši nav rotallieta bet gan kolekcijas priekšmets.; BRIDINAJUMS! Aizrišanas briesmas. Mazas detalas; 14+ | mt: 14+; USK; This is not a toy but a collector's item.; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | nl: 14+; USK; Dit is geen speelgoed maar een collector's item.; Waarschuwing! Verstikkingsgevaar. Kleine onderdelen | pl: USK; To nie jest zabawka ale przedmiot kolekcjonerski.; Ostrzezenie! Ryzyko zadlawienia. Male czesci; 14+ | pt: USK; Não se trata de um brinquedo mas de uma peça de coleção.; Atençao! Perigo de asfixia. Peças pequenas; 14+ | ro: Aceasta nu este o jucarie ci un obiect de colec?ie.; USK; AVERTISMENT! Pericol de sufocare. Piese mici; 14+ | sk: 14+; USK; Toto nie je hracka ale zberatelský predmet.; Upozornenie! Nebezpecenstvo udusenia. Malé casti | sl: 14+; USK; To ni igraca temvec zbirateljski predmet.; OPOZORILO! Nevarnost zadušitve. Majhni deli | sv: VARNING! Risk för kvävning. Små delar; 14+; USK; Detta är inte en leksak utan ett samlarobjekt.

heo GmbH, West Campus 1, 76863 Herxheim, ,, DE

KOTOBUKIYA CO., LTD., 190-8542, TACHIKAWA, 190-0012 Tokyo, ,, JP

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