The 2001 animated classic 'Monster, Inc' is one of the most cherished releases from Pixar! Melding fantasy into a warm story of friendship, the story follows Sully and Mike, two of top scarers of Monsters Incorporated, a sprawling scare factory that fuels the monster world! Yet when they are bested by a small child named Boo, the friends have their lives turned upside when they have to race against time to save the human world's children!
Each PVC mini figure stands 8 - 10 cm tall.
- Furry Monster - James P. Sullivan, Sulley, one of the two top scarers in Monsters, Inc
- Bug Eyed Mike - He may have a huge eye, but that gives him the best way to find big scares in little kids!
- Costumed Boo - An adorable little girl, who is afraid of no one!
- Creepy Randall - One of the main villains of Monsters, Inc, he is as sly as he is creepy!
- Bubbly Celia - The switchboard operator is always on dial for a call!
- All seeing Roz - Keeping on every Monster, sometimes there is no escape from Roz !
With a total of six characters to collect, each mini figurine is manufactured and painted to the highest standard. Collect all six of the 'MEA-039 Monsters, Inc' series. and get bonus of Boo's door! Grab them all and bring some cut, yet scary monsters to a desk near you!