Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK
Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm - Action Figures - Hasbro - Hobby Figures UK

Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10cm


Regular price£77.95
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The Star Wars Retro Collection spans the 40-plus-year legacy of the Star Wars Galaxy, featuring design and detailing calling back to the original 1970s and 1980s Star Wars action figures. (Additional products each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Inspired by Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, these Star Wars Retro Collection 3.75-inch-scale figures make a great gift for Star Wars fans and collectors.

Star Wars Episode I Retro Collection Action Figures The Phantom Menace Multipack 10 cm


bg: WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; 3+; CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months. | cs: POZOR! Nebezpecí udušení. Malé cásti; 3+; CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months. | da: FORSIGTIG Ikke egnet til børn under 36 måneder.; Advarsel Kvælningsfare. Små dele; 3+; CE | de: CE; ACHTUNG Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.; ACHTUNG! Erstickungsgefahr. Kleine Teile; 3+ | el: CE; ETTEVAATUST Ei sobi alla 36 kuu vanustele lastele.; HOIATUS! Hukkumisoht. Väikesed osad; 3+ | en: CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months.; 3+; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | es: 3+; ¡Advertencia! Peligro de asfixia. Piezas pequeñas; CE; PRECAUCIÓN No apto para menores de 36 meses. | et: 3+; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months. | fi: CE; VAROITUS Ei sovellu alle 36 kuukauden ikäisille lapsille.; 3+; Varoitus! Tukehtumisvaara. Pienet osat | fr: CE; ATTENTION Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois.; 3+; ATTENTION! Dangeri d'étouffement. Petites éléments | ga: CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months.; 3+; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts | hr: 3+; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months. | hu: 3+; Figyelmeztetés! Fulladásveszély. Apró alkatrészek; CE; FIGYELMEZTETÉS 36 hónaposnál fiatalabb gyermekek számára nem alkalmas. | it: ATTENZIONE non adatto a bambini di età inferiore a 36 mesi.; 3+; Avvertenza! Rischio di soffocamento. Piccole parti; CE | lt: CE; UZMANIBU nav piemerots berniem lidz 36 menešu vecumam.; 3+; ISPEJIMAS! Užspringimo pavojus. Mažos dalys | lv: CE; ISPEJIMAS Netinka jaunesniems nei 36 menesiu vaikams.; 3+; BRIDINAJUMS! Aizrišanas briesmas. Mazas detalas | mt: 3+; WARNING! Choking Hazard. Small parts; CE; CAUTION Not suitable for children under 36 months. | nl: 3+; Waarschuwing! Verstikkingsgevaar. Kleine onderdelen; CE; LET OP Niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 36 maanden. | pl: UWAGA Nieodpowiednie dla dzieci w wieku ponizej 36 miesiecy.; 3+; Ostrzezenie! Ryzyko zadlawienia. Male czesci; CE | pt: CE; ATENÇÃO Não adequado para crianças com menos de 36 meses.; 3+; Atençao! Perigo de asfixia. Peças pequenas | ro: CE; ATEN?IE Nu este potrivit pentru copiii sub 36 de luni.; 3+; AVERTISMENT! Pericol de sufocare. Piese mici | sk: CE; UPOZORNENIE Nevhodné pre deti mladšie ako 36 mesiacov.; 3+; Upozornenie! Nebezpecenstvo udusenia. Malé casti | sl: OPOZORILO! Nevarnost zadušitve. Majhni deli; 3+; CE; POZOR Ni primerno za otroke mlajše od 36 mesecev. | sv: VARNING! Risk för kvävning. Små delar; 3+; CE; OBSERVERA Ej lämplig för barn under 36 månader.

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