Gundam Guys Generation (GGG) is a three-dimensional version of the successive male characters of the Gundam series on a scale of approximately 1/8. The latest character to join the GGG (Gundam Guys Generation) is Quattro Vajeena from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam.
The figure is a fully pre-painted 1/8th scale figure that comes with interchangeable bang parts to display him either with or without his sunglasses as well as an alternate right arm to display him holding his sunglasses.
The sunglasses make use of a translucent material for a faithful rendition, and the scar on his forehead from the One Year War is also included on the figure. His fit body has also been captured in careful detail for fans to enjoy by their side.
Be sure to add this stunning rendition of the man once known as The Red Comet to your collection!
This 1/8 scale Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 22cm tall collectible statue figure comes with a base in a classic window box packaging